Monday, October 31, 2016

Click, Clack, Moo!

Orange and Yellow Reading Groups

This week we will be reading a story from our Journey's reading series called, Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type.  Many of the students have heard this story before, but we will be digging deep to learn new vocabulary words and drawing conclusions from the clues given in the text.  Students will be taking their comprehension test over this story on Thursday this week (Team Day will be on Friday.).  If you want to listen to this story online and read along, check out this link here!

Green Reading Group

We will continue our study of Edward Tulane.  We did finish the book last week so now we will finish discussing the book, take the AR tests, and work on a final project.  We will also have our 4 new words this week and a word of the day quiz on Friday.

Words this week are:  estimate, opinion, friendly, and competitive

Red Reading Group

We will be reading the story Zoo Party.  I will send home the book each night to practice.  We will work on vocabulary strategies and drawing conclusions from the text.

All reading groups will be getting a new reading log this week.  There are 10 nights to complete during the month of November.  Please remember that books must be on the child's independent reading level!  I have put the reading levels on all reading logs!

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