Sunday, August 14, 2016

Welcome back!

We have made it through our first full week of school!  The students have done an amazing job of transitioning back and getting settled into routine.  

Things do look a bit different this year in second grade land, but not too different from things in years past!  For a very long time, second graders changed classes for reading and math.  This allowed them to work with a group that learned similar to them and get the attention they needed.  This year, we have added social studies/science to the rotations, in addition to another math class.  While it may seem like a lot of movement for our littles, they have done great!  I have noticed that the behavior has been better because we have so much content to squeeze in!  There isn't much downtime while we are in our switches!

I have started using Brag Tags with my homeroom friends.  They really like earning these!  They can earn them for good behavior, following the rule, being caught being good, and even good scores on tests!  Each Brag Tag we collect, we add to a necklace we can wear on Fridays.  Students get to add a bead for each 100 they make on an AR test!

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